Becoming Permanent Resident with Alberta Self-Employed Farmer stream

| Canada- Business Class


Applicants to the Self-Employed Farmer stream must meet the following criteria. Meeting this criteria does not guarantee a nomination or permanent residence.

Farm management skills

Applicants must prove that they have farm management skills. Proof of this may include, but is not limited to:

  • financial documentation of an existing farm business
  • documentation of education, training and work experience
  • a proposed business plan for the farming enterprise you are considering in Alberta
  • proof that a Canadian financial institution is willing to finance your proposed farming business

Sufficient financial resources

  • Applicants must be able to invest a minimum of CDN $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in Alberta.
  • Documents must be provided that show a minimum net worth of CDN $500,000 or confirmation of the ability to access to a similar amount of funds from other sources.
  • Applicants may be required to show the ability to invest more than the minimum.

Primary production investment

  • Applicants must document their investment plans in a proposed business plan.
  • Applications representing the best opportunity for growth relevant to Alberta's agri-food targets will be given priority.


The following individuals are not eligible under the AINP Self-Employed Farmer Stream:

  • refugee claimants, or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process.
  • live-in caregivers currently living in Canada
  • temporary foreign workers working and residing in a province other than Alberta
  • international students studying in Canada, including students doing co-op work placements or internships as part of their study program

To connect with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry about the AINP Self-Employed Farmer Stream, you can send an email to

Request reconsideration of a decision

You may submit a request for reconsideration on the decision of your AINP application only if you meet the following criteria. A request for reconsideration must:

  • be directly related to the reason(s) stated in the decision letter
  • demonstrate that an error was made in applying program criteria to the application
  • be submitted by the applicant named on the decision letter or a representative of the applicant,
  • be submitted within 30 calendar days of the date the decision letter was issued

A request for reconsideration cannot be used:

  • to ask for an exemption or exception to program criteria as an opportunity
  • to submit new evidence or re-state the evidence submitted in the application
  • if applicant unsatisfied with the final decision or a component of the final decision
  • to request Humanitarian and Compassionate consideration

A request for reconsideration has to be filled out by Request for Reconsideration form and email it to

After you submit a request for reconsideration, an automated email will be sent acknowledging receipt of the request. A response will be issued within 30 calendar days of the date the request was received. The form will be reviewed and an email will be sent notifying you if the request meets the conditions required for a review on the decision of your application. If the request meets the conditions required, an officer who was not involved in the original decision will conduct a review of the decision on your application.


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