
 Family reunification is an essential part of Canada's immigration system that will make tremendous contributions to the country's community. As a result, the Canadian…
From July 2020, Canada allows legal parents at birth and biological parents have the right to pass down Canadian citizenship to their children who were born abroad, one parent is…
The PEI Critical Worker stream is a designated program for foreign workers who are currently working in PEI and wish to apply for permanent residency. The program requires a low…
A birth certificate is an important document in registering citizenship in the Citizenship Act of many countries. However, for many reasons, many people do not have Vietnamese…
If you want to immigrate to British Columbia and are ready to invest in and actively manage a valid business here, you may qualify for our Entrepreneur Immigration - Base Category…
Requirements Applicants to the Self-Employed Farmer stream must meet the following criteria. Meeting this criteria does not guarantee a nomination or permanent residence.Farm…
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requires foreign students studying in Canada to have a legal guardian in place if they are under the age of majority, which in…
A landlord can apply for a rent increase above the guideline for any of the following reasons:The landlord’s costs for municipal taxes and/or utilities (heat, water and…
Landlords of exempt units must still use the standard lease. Nothing in a lease agreement can take away a right under the RTA. The rent control exemption has to be included…
Many clients who retained our Paralegal for consultation about eviction matter couldn't recognize what the wrongful eviction was, and therefore, not knowing how to deal with this…
Any final order or decision of the Board, including Interim Orders that conclusively resolves an issue may be reviewed. A tenant may ask for a review of the order if they believe…
Under LTB Interpretation Guideline 1, the Landlord and Tenant Board defines rescheduling and adjourning as follows:Rescheduling involves a staff sets a new date for the hearing in…
What is a side agreement?A side agreement is a contract made between tenant and landlord that is outside of the Landlord and Tenant Board’s control. This means that the Board does…
When you are dealing with the matter at the Landlord and Tenant Board, sometimes you will hear about "an order on consent". Here is some useful information that helps you…
There are three Small Claims Court procedures to collect money, and which method will best serve the tenant will depend on what information they have about their landlord.…
If you were successful in obtaining an order from the Board for payment from your landlord, it is important to read the entire order to find out how to collect the money that is…
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